Are the harmful substances contained in sewage also included in Tokyo 8?


Although sewage water contains components that may be reused as fertilizer, it may also contain various toxic substances, including antibiotics and heavy metals in human urine. Tokyo 8’s microorganisms are extracted from the wastewater sludge from which the sewage is concentrated, and through screening (separation of microorganisms) technology, such toxic substances are eliminated. We issue a quality evaluation certificate to prove that no harmful substances are contained in our products, also provided during pre-shipment product inspections. This means our product can be safely used with confidence.


Is there no need to use fertilizer if I just spray Tokyo 8?


Tokyo 8 uses a special method to separate only microorganisms from wastewater sludge, which also eliminates fertilizer components contained in sewage. Therefore, fertilizers such as compost are necessary. It is possible to reduce the amount of fertilizer applied because it also works to re-decompose the remaining fertilizer components in the soil and supply them to plants.


Why are there as many as 1,500 types of microorganisms in Tokyo 8?


Essentially, no single microorganism can exist in a variety of natural environments (including human society). People, as well, live in symbiosis with a variety of different organisms, and are moving in the direction they should be in their interrelationships. In such a natural environment, the sewage system of Tokyo is where the greatest variety of nutrients accumulate. This is because food products from all over the world are brought in and disposed of by people from all over the world. The concentrated sewage then becomes sludge, which is collected by solar oil conversion. That is why the sludge used as raw material for Tokyo 8 contains a wide variety of microorganisms. In addition, Tokyo 8 has a large variety of microorganisms because each group of microorganisms, which originally existed as a small microbial community in the organic sludge, is assembled and integrated into a larger group during the production process.


What is the dilution ratio?


The basic Tokyo 8 dosage is 1 liter per 10acres However, since it is difficult to uniformly spray 1 liter over a whole area, the dilution ratio should be changed according to the tank capacity of the equipment to be used for spraying. Example: When spraying with a power sprayer with a 100-liter tank per tank = 100 times


Where can I buy Tokyo 8?


Tokyo 8 can be purchased from various sales agent. Please contact us at info@bacteria-labo.com to find a distributor near you.